
国外权威期刊目录 Journal of International Economics ·国际经济学期刊(总第168期)

学术无界 学术无界 2023-10-24


Journal of International Economics 是公认的国际经济学领域顶级期刊,是SSCI的一区期刊,也是教育部认可的12本经济学国际顶级期刊之一。该期刊旨在作为国际经济学所有领域的理论和实证研究的主要渠道。这些包括但不限于以下内容:贸易模式,商业政策;国际机构;汇率;开放经济等。

本期期卷:Volume 135

发表日期:March 2022




目     录


Financial shocks, credit spread, and the international credit channel


Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Andrej Sokol



‍What price index should central banks target? An open economy analysis‍


Misaki Matsumura



The effects of permanent monetary shocks on exchange rates and uncovered interest ratedifferentials 


Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé, Martín Uribe 



Financial integration and the co-movement of economy activity: Evidence from U.S. states


Martin R. GoetzJuan Carlos Gozzi 



Demand risk and diversification through international trade


Federico Esposito



Technology, market structure and the gains from trade


Giammario Impullitti, Omar Licandro, PontusRendahl

关键词:贸易收益; 寡头垄断; 内源性标记; 市场集中度; 创新; 异质性公司


Unequal gains, prolonged pain: A model of protectionist overshooting and escalation


Emily Blanchard, Gerald Willmann

关键词:民粹主义; 保护主义; 过冲; 充满活力的政治经济; 人力资本; 教育; 重叠的世代; 内生关税


Foreign currency loans and credit risk: Evidence fromU.S. banks


Friederike Niepmann, Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr

关键词:跨境银行业务; 汇率; 信用风险; 企业贷款


The real effects of invoicing exports in dollars


Antoine Berthou, Guillaume Horny, Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier,

关键词:美元发票; 贸易融资; 企业层面的出口


Government spending during sudden stop crises


Siming Liu

关键词:与国家相关的乘数; 费舍尔的债务通缩; 突然停止危机; 名义工资刚度下调


Invoicing and the dynamics of pricing-to-market: Evidence from UK export prices around the Brexit referendum


Giancarlo Corsetti, Meredith Crowley, Lu Han

关键词:汇率; 通过; 标记弹性; 车辆货币; 主导货币; 公司层面数据


Financial shocks, credit spread, and the international credit channel


Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Andrej Sokol


We provide evidence on the international transmission of US financial shocks, and compare their effects to monetary policy and central bank information shocks in a two-country SVAR for the US and the UK. Adverse financial shocks trigger a contraction in the US economy and an increase in credit spreads. The tightening in US credit conditions is quickly transmitted internationally,leading to an increase in credit spreads and a slowdown in economic activity in the UK. As for monetary policy and central bank information shocks, cross-country comovement in credit spreads amplifies the impact of financial shocks on the real economy. Our findings support the notion of an ‘international credit channel’ as a key transmission mechanism for cross-country spillovers.

摘 要



What price index should central banks target? An open economy analysis


Misaki Matsumura


What price index should central banks target wheneconomies are open and exposed to international price shocks? This paperderives the optimal price index by solving the Ramsey problem in a New Keynesian small open economy model with an arbitrary number of sectors. This approach improves on the existing theoretical benchmarks by (1) making anexplicit distinction between the consumer price index (CPI) and the producer price index (PPI), (2) incorporating exogenous internationalprice shocks, and (3) allowing different pricing regimes across sectors. Qualitatively, the analytical expression of the optimal price index suggests thatpopular indices, such as the core/headline CPI and thePPI, are suboptimal because they ignore the effect of volatile export price inflation on the trade surplus and the heterogeneity inprice stickiness. Quantitatively, when a 35-sector modelis applied to 40 countries, stabilizing the optimalprice index yields significantly higher welfare than alternative indices.

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Innovation in economically developed and lagging European regions: A configurational analysis


Nikolaos Filippopoulos, Georgios Fotopoulos


Regional innovation in Europe is analyzed with Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, distinguishing between different economic development level categories and between innovation performance groups within each category. Different mechanisms were identified based on varying conjunctions of business and public sector R&D, spatial proximity to external R&D, networks of collaborations, tolerance and inclusion, and human capital. More developed regions present four main mechanisms that lead to regional innovation. Namely, a technologically driven mechanism, a business R&D driven technological mechanism, a mechanism driven primarily by internal R&D competencies and tolerance and inclusion, and a general path to regional innovation, supporting a public R&D driven technological mechanism. When the analysis focuses on moderate innovators, the absence of skilled human capital is added as a relevant condition owing primarily to the lack of technological and technical skills in some regions. For lagging regions, the relevant innovation definition excludes patenting as these regions focus on ‘softer’ innovation aspects than technological innovation. Innovation in lagging regions is primarily driven by public R&D supported by tolerance and inclusion or by networks of collaboration. The latter might work as a condition compensating for often unfavorable geography.

摘 要



Financial integration and the co-movement of economy activity: Evidence from U.S. states


Federico Esposito


  We analyze the effect of the geographic expansion of banks across U.S. states on the co-movement of economic activity between states. Exploiting the removal of interstate banking restrictions to construct time-varying instrumental variables at the state-pair level, we find that bilateral banking integration increases output co-movement between states. The effect offinancial integration depends on the nature of the idiosyncratic shocks faced by states and is stronger for financially dependent industries. Finally, we show that integration increases the similarity of bank lending fluctuations between states and contributes to the transmission of deposit shocks across states.

摘 要



Demand risk and diversification through international trade


Federico Esposito


 I develop a theory of risk diversification through geography. In a general equilibrium trade model with monopolistic competition and stochastic demand,risk-averse entrepreneurs exploit the spatial correlation of demand across countries to lower thevariance of their global sales. The model implies that both the probability of entry and trade flows to a country are increasing in the “Diversification Index”,which depends on the multilateral covariance of the country's demand with all other markets. The risk diversification behavior can lead to higher welfare gains from trade than the ones predicted by trade models with risk neutrality. Using a panel of international sales of Portuguese firms,I estimate “risk-augmented” gravity regressions, which show that the Diversification Index significantly affects trade patterns at the extensive and intensive margins. In general equilibrium, the risk diversification channel increases welfare gains from trade by 17% relative to trade models with risk neutrality.

摘 要



Technology,  market structure and the gains from trade


Giammario Impullitti, Omar Licandro, PontusRendahl


We study the gains from trade in a model with oligopolistic competition, heterogeneous firms and innovation. Our key finding is that a trade-inducedincrease in market concentration can be an important source of the gains fromtrade. Foreign competition puts downward pressure on profitability which reduces the equilibrium number of firms, but increases their size. This rise inconcentration increases welfare via two channels: increasing returns inproduction, and a scale effect on innovation. In a calibrated version of the model we show that concentration is a main driver of the gains from trade,mostly via its stimulating effect on innovation–the contribution of increasing returns is small. Moreover, lowering trade costs reduce the inefficiency produced by “reciprocal dumping”, leading to substantial gains. In contrast, the associated reduction in markup dispersion has only a negligible effect.

摘 要

我们在一个具有寡头垄断竞争、异质企业和创新的模型中研究了贸易收益。我们的主要发现是,贸易导致的市场集中度的提高可能是贸易收益的一个重要来源。外国竞争给盈利能力带来下行压力,从而减少了公司的均衡数量,但增加了它们的规模。这种集中度的提高通过两个渠道增加福利: 增加生产回报,以及对创新产生规模效应。在该模型的校准版本中,我们表明,集中度是贸易收益的主要驱动力,主要是通过其对创新的刺激作用-回报增加的贡献很小。此外,降低贸易成本可以减少“互惠倾销”带来的低效率,从而带来可观的收益。相比之下,标记分散度的相关减少只会产生微不足道的影响。


Unequal gains, prolonged pain: A model of protectionist overshooting and escalation


Emily Blanchard, Gerald Willmann


 We develop a model of democratic responses to macroeconomic shocks, and show that when economic adjustment is slower than potential political change, economic shocks can trigger populist surges. Applied to trade policy, we show that unexpected changes in world prices or skill biased technological change can induce a surge in economic nationalism and trade protection. Over time, the initial protectionist surge will gradually diminish if and only if educational gains enable less-skilled workers to catch up with the overall economy. The more unequal the initial distribution of the returns to human capital, the greater and longer-lasting the protectionist backlash will be: unequal gains, prolonged pain. Key data markers suggested by the model exhibit patterns consistent with recent surges in protectionism in the US and UK.

摘 要



Foreign currency loans and credit risk: Evidence fromU.S. banks


Friederike Niepmann, Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr


When firms borrow in foreign currency and are not perfectly hedged, exchange rate change scan affect their ability to repay the debt. U.S. loan-level data show that a 10 percent depreciation of the local currency quarter-to-quarter increases theprobability that a firm becomes past due on its loans by 42 basis points forfirms with foreign currency debt relative to those with local currency debt.This increase is economically significant, given a baseline probability of 20basis points, and indicates that exchange rate risk of borrowers can translateinto credit risk for banks. Firms are more likely to borrow in foreign currencyif they belong to industries that generate more income abroad and if a UIP deviation makes foreign currency loans cheaper. The paper establishes additional facts on large U.S. banks’ international corporate loan portfolios, offering a perspectivecomplementary to that provided by syndicated loan data.

摘 要



The real effects of invoicing exports in dollars


Antoine Berthou, Guillaume Horny, Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier


Exporting firms face foreign exchange risk when the export contract is invoiced in a foreign currency. For instance, for firms located outside of the United States, the US dollar is often used as a vehicle currency. The cost of hedging against this risk represents an additional trade cost for exporters, which is specific to the targeted destination. In this paper, we exploit an episode of heightened tensions in the USD/EUR foreign exchange market in July 2011, which increased the cost of hedging against US dollar fluctuations for French exporters. Using disaggregated information on bank balance sheets, bank-firm relationships and individual export flows for France, we show that exporters with a higher propensity to use hedging instruments reduced more their exports to “US dollar destinations” after this shock. For the average “treated” individual export flow in oursample, the increased hedging cost is equivalent to a counterfactual rise intrade costs by about 3 percentage points.

摘 要



Government spending duringsudden stop crises


Siming Liu


This paper examines the state-dependent multipliers of government spending in sudden stop economies. First, I provide cross-country evidence that an increase ingovernment spending is more effective in stimulating consumption andappreciating the real exchange rate in sudden stop crises than in normal times.To rationalize this, I then build a small open economy model with a collateral constraint on international borrowing. During a financial crisis, an adverse international shock reduces consumption and lowers the market value of incomeas collateral. The lowered income, in turn, tightens the financial constraintand sets in a debt-deflation mechanism. In this context, a fiscal expansion appreciates the real exchange rate and drives in capital flows when the financial constraint is binding, thus creating a larger multiplier on private consumption. The difference in multipliers across financial states also depends  on the exchange rate environment of a country.

摘 要



Invoicing and the dynamics of pricing-to-market: Evidence from UK export prices around the Brexit referendum


Giancarlo Corsetti, Meredith Crowley, Lu Han


We provide micro-econometric evidence that, following the large and persistentsterling depreciation after the Brexit referendum, on impact, exchange ratepass-through (ERPT)   was complete for transactions invoiced in producer currency and low for sales invoiced either in a vehicle or in the destination marketcurrency. Yet these differences strikingly narrowed within six quarters. A weaker currency did not translate into a persistent gain in price competitiveness for UK exports. At a granular level we find that UK exportersinvoice in multiple currencies—even when shipping a product to the same destination—and switch currencies over time. Remarkably, we fail to detect significant changesin the relative shares of invoicing currencies in response to the Brexit shock. Last but not least, we find that UK firms price-to-market, i.e., adjust markups to bilateral exchange rate and CPI movements, only when they invoice sales inthe destination-market currency.

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