
国外权威期刊目录 American Economic Review · 《美国经济评论》(总第170期)

学术无界 2023-10-24


American Economic Review 由美国经济学会主办,1911年创立,该刊目的文章题目范围广泛,是美国经济学界最古老、最受人尊敬的经济专业学术期刊之一。在经济学领域,被视为最具有学术声望的重要期刊之一,位列经济学五大刊之首,堪称经济学皇冠上的明珠。其文献代表着对经济学研究以及对经济现象最影响深远的认识,而这些文献的作者也大多是诺贝尔经济学奖得主。

本期期卷:Volume 112

发表日期:March 2022




目     录


State-Dependent Effects of Monetary Policy: The Refinancing Channel货币政策的国别效应:再融资渠道Martin EichenbaumSergio RebeloArlene Wong


Local Elites as State Capacity: How City Chiefs Use Local Information to Increase Tax Compliance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Pablo BalánAugustin BergeronGabriel TourekJonathan L. Weigel


Fictional Money,Real Costs: Impacts of Financial Salience on Disadvantaged Students


Claire Duquennois


Does Race Matter for Police Use of Force? Evidence from 911 Calls种族对警察使用武力有影响吗?来自 911 电话的证据Mark Hoekstra andCarlyWill Sloan


Targeting High Ability Entrepreneurs Using Community Information: Mechanism Design in theField利用社区信息瞄准高能力企业家:现场机制设计Reshmaan Hussam,Natalia Rigol and Benjamin N. Roth


Reshaping Adolescents' Gender Attitudes: Evidence from a School-Based Experiment in India重塑青少年的性别态度:来自印度学校实验的证据Diva Dhar, Tarun Jainand Seema Jayachandran


Misspecified Politics and the Recurrence of Populism错误指定的政治与民粹主义的重现Gilat Levy, RonnyRazin and Alwyn Young


Designing Deadlines


Erik Madsen


Employer Incentive sand Distortions in Health Insurance Design: Implications for Welfare and Costs健康保险设计中的雇主激励和扭曲:对福利和成本的影响Nicholas Tilipman


Estimating SocialPreferences and Gift Exchange at Work


Stefano DellaVignaJohn A. ListUlrike MalmendierGautam Rao


State-DependentEffects of Monetary Policy: The Refinancing Channel


Martin EichenbaumSergio RebeloArlene Wong


This paper studies how the impact of monetary policy depends on the distribution of savings from refinancing mortgages. We show that the efficacy of monetary policy is state dependent, varying in a systematic way with the pool of potential savings from refinancing. We construct a quantitative dynamic life-cycle model that accounts for our findings and use it to study how the response of consumption to a change in mortgage rates depends on the distribution of savings from refinancing. These effects are strongly state dependent. We also use the model to study the impact of a long period of low interest rates on the potency of monetary policy. We find that this potency is substantially reduced both during the period and for a substantial amount of time after interest rates renormalize.

摘 要



Local Elites asState Capacity: How City Chiefs Use Local Information to Increase Tax Compliance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Pablo BalánAugustin BergeronGabriel TourekJonathan L. Weigel


This paper investigates the trade-offs between local elites and state agents as tax collectors inlow-capacity states. We study a randomized policy experiment assigning neighborhoods of a large Congolese city to property tax collection by citychiefs or state agents. Chief collection raised tax compliance by 3.2 percentage points, increasing revenue by 44 percent. Chiefs collected morebribes but did not undermine tax morale or trust in government. Results from ahybrid treatment arm in which state agents consulted with chiefs before collection suggest that chief collectors achieved higher compliance by usinglocal information to more efficiently target households with high payment propensities, rather than by being more effective at persuading households to pay conditional on having visited them.

摘 要

本文调查了地方精英和国家代理人在能力低下的州作为收税员之间的权衡取舍。我们研究了一项随机政策实验,将刚果一个大城市的社区分配给城市首领或国家代理人征收财产税。总征收将税收合规性提高了3.2 个百分点,收入增加了44%。酋长收受更多贿赂,但并未削弱税收士气或对政府的信任。混合处理部门的结果表明,国家代理人在收款前与酋长协商,结果表明,首席收款人通过使用当地信息更有效地瞄准具有高支付倾向的家庭,而不是更有效地说服家庭支付条件,从而实现了更高的合规性。拜访了他们。


Fictional Money, Real Costs: Impacts of Financial Salience on Disadvantaged Students


Claire Duquennois


Disadvantaged students perform differentially worse when randomly given a financially salient mathematics exam. For students with socioeconomic indicators below the national median, a 10 percentage point increase in the share of monetary themed questions depresses exam performance by 0.026 standard deviations, about 6 percent of their performance gap. Using question-level data, I confirm the role of financial salience by comparing performance on monetary and highly similarnon-monetary questions. Leveraging the randomized ordering of questions, I identify an effect on subsequent questions, providing evidence that the attention capture effects of poverty affect policy relevant outcomes outside ofexperimental settings.

摘 要

当随机进行财务突出的数学考试时,弱势学生的表现会差很多。对于社会经济指标低于全国中位数的学生,货币主题问题的比例增加 10 个百分点会使考试成绩降低 0.026 个标准差,约占他们成绩差距的 6%使用问题级别的数据,我通过比较货币问题和高度相似的非货币问题的表现来确认金融显着性的作用。利用问题的随机顺序,我确定了对后续问题的影响,提供了证据证明贫困的注意力捕获效应会影响实验环境之外的政策相关结果。


Does Race Matter for Police Use of Force? Evidence from 911 Calls

种族对警察使用武力有影响吗?来自 911 电话的证据

Mark Hoekstra and CarlyWill Sloan


  This paper examines race and police use of force using data on 1.6 million 911 calls in two cities, neither of which allows for discretion in officer dispatch. Results indicate White officers increase force much more than minority officers when dispatched to more minority neighborhoods. Estimates indicate Black (Hispanic) civilians are 55 (75) percent more likely to experience any force, and five times as likely to experience a police shooting, compared to if White officers scaled up forcesimilarly to minority officers. Additionally, 14 percent of White officers use excess force in Black neighborhoods relative to our statistical benchmark.

摘 要

本文使用两个城市 160 万个 911 电话的数据来研究种族和警察使用武力的情况,这两个城市都不允许在警察派遣方面有自由裁量权。结果表明,当派往更多少数民族社区时,白人军官比少数族裔军官增加的兵力要多得多。估计表明黑人(西班牙裔)平民遭受任何武力的可能性要高出55%75%),与白人警察以与少数族裔警察类似的方式扩大武力的情况相比,遭受警察枪击的可能性是其五倍。此外,相对于我们的统计基准,14% 的白人警官在黑人社区过度使用武力


Targeting HighAbility Entrepreneurs Using Community Information: Mechanism Design in theField


Reshmaan Hussam,Natalia Rigol and Benjamin N. Roth


 Identifying high-growth micro entrepreneurs in low-income countries remains a challenge due to a scarcity of verifiable information. With a cash grant experiment in India we demonstrate that community knowledge can help target high-growth micro entrepreneurs; while the average marginal return to capital in our sample is 9.4 percent per month, micro entrepreneurs reported in the top third of the community are estimated to have marginal returns to capital between 24 percentand 30 percent per month. Further we find evidence that community members distort their predictions when they can influence the distribution of resources. Finally, we demonstrate that simple mechanisms can realign incentives for truthful reporting.

摘 要

由于缺乏可验证的信息,在低收入国家识别高增长的微型企业家仍然是一项挑战。通过在印度进行的现金赠款实验,我们证明了社区知识可以帮助瞄准高增长的微型企业家;虽然我们样本中的平均资本边际回报率为每月 9.4%,但据估计,社区前三分之一的微型企业家的资本边际回报率在24% 30% 之间。此外,我们发现有证据表明社区成员在影响资源分配时会扭曲他们的预测。最后,我们证明了简单的机制可以重新调整真实报告的激励机制。


Reshaping Adolescents' Gender Attitudes: Evidence from a School-Based Experiment in India


Diva Dhar, Tarun Jainand Seema Jayachandran


This paper evaluates anintervention in India that engaged adolescent girls and boys in classroom discussions about gender equality for two years, aiming to reduce their supportfor societal norms that restrict women's and girls' opportunities. Using arandomized controlled trial, we find that the program made attitudes more supportive of gender equality by 0.18 standard deviations, or, equivalently,converted 16 percent of regressive attitudes. When we resurveyed study participants two years after the intervention had ended, the effects hadpersisted. The program also led to more gender-equal self-reported behavior,and we find weak evidence that it affected two revealed-preference measures.

摘 要

本文评估了印度的一项干预措施,该干预措施让青春期女孩和男孩参与了两年的课堂讨论性别平等,旨在减少他们对限制妇女和女孩机会的社会规范的支持。通过一项随机对照试验,我们发现该计划使支持性别平等的态度更加支持0.18 个标准差,或者等效地,转换了16% 的倒退态度。当我们在干预结束两年后重新调查研究参与者时,效果仍然存在。该计划还导致了更多性别平等的自我报告行为,我们发现微弱的证据表明它影响了两项显示偏好测量。


Misspecified Politics and the Recurrence of Populism


Gilat Levy,  RonnyRazin and Alwyn Young


 We develop a dynamic model of political competition between two groups that differ in their subjective modelof the data generating process for a common outcome. One group has a simpler model than the other group as they ignore some relevant policy variables. Weshow that policy cycles must arise and that simple world viewswhich can be interpreted as populist world viewsimply extreme policy choices. Periods in which those with a more complex model govern increase the specification error of the simpler worldview, leading the latter to overestimate the positive impact of a few extreme policy actions.

摘 要



Designing Deadlines


Erik Madsen


I study how an organization should manage a project of uncertain scope, when it is advised by a privately informed expert who prefers to prolong his employment. The optimal long-term contract combines a deadline for project completion and incentive payments which decline as the deadline approaches. When the firm can additionally learn about the project's state from output, the optimal deadline exhibits variable sensitivity to output, with a hard deadline at the outset of the project and increasingly soft deadlines as the project's performance declines.

摘 要

我研究了一个组织应该如何管理一个范围不确定的项目,当它由一位喜欢延长他的工作的私人知情专家提供建议时。最佳的长期合同结合了项目完成的最后期限和随着截止日期的临近而减少的奖励金。 当公司还可以从产出中了解项目的状态时,最佳期限对产出表现出可变的敏感性,在项目开始时有一个硬期限,而随着项目绩效的下降,期限越来越软。


Employer Incentives and Distortions in Health Insurance Design: Implications for Welfare and Costs


Nicholas Tilipman


This paper studies employer incentives in designing health insurance provider networks and whether observed offerings reflect preferences that are aligned with employees. I estimate a model of supply and demand where I endogenize employer health plan offerings with respect to hospital and physician networks. I find that employers"overprovide" broad networks by overweighting the preferences of certain employees, specifically older workers and those in regions with less provider competition, over the preferences of the average employee household. Shifting employers toward offering different provider networks in differentgeographic markets could yield substantial gains to surplus, with minimal distributional or selection effects.

摘 要

本文研究了在设计健康保险提供商网络时雇主的激励措施,以及所观察到的产品是否反映了与员工一致的偏好。我估计了一个供需模型,在该模型中我内化了与医院和医生网络相关的雇主健康计划产品。 我发现雇主“过度提供”了一个广泛的网络,将某些工人的偏好,特别是老年工人和供应商竞争力较弱的地区的工人,置于普通工人家庭的偏好之上。将雇主转移到在不同地理市场提供不同的供应商网络可能会产生大量的剩余收益,而分配或选择的影响最小。


Estimating SocialPreferences and Gift Exchange at Work


Stefano DellaVignaJohn A. ListUlrike MalmendierGautam Rao


We design three field experiments to estimate how workers' social preferences toward their employer motivates their work effort. We vary the pay rates offered to workers, the return to the employer, and employer generosity demonstrated via unexpected gifts.Workers exert effort even without private incentives, but their effort is insensitive to the return to the employer. This is consistent with "warmglow" but not pure altruism. The gifts have no effect on productivity, but engender extra work. This difference is explained partly by the finding that extra work is much more responsive to incentives than is productivity.

摘 要












国外权威期刊目录 Journal of International Economics ·国际经济学期刊(总第168期)


















