

学术无界 学术无界 2023-10-24



本期期卷:Volume 169

发表日期:May 2022




目     录


A proposal of a suspicion of tax fraud indicator based on Google trends to foresee Spanish tax revenues


Manuel Monge, Carlos Poza, Sofía Borgia

关键词:Fiscal fraud; Composite indicator; Google trends; Fractional integration; FCVAR model; Wavelets


The financial development impact of financial globalization revisited: A focus on OECD countries


Olufemi Adewale Aluko, Eric Evans Osei Opoku

关键词:Financial globalization; Financial development; Panel quantile estimation; OECD


Measuring the economic efficiency performance in Latin American and Caribbean countries: An empirical evidence from stochastic production frontier and data envelopment analysis


Matheus Koengkan, José Alberto Fuinhas, Emad Kazemzadeh, Fariba Osmani, Nooshin Karimi Alavijeh, Anna Auza, Mônica Teixeira

关键词:Stochastic frontier analysis; Economic performance; Latin American and Caribbean countries


The determinants and cyclicality of fiscal policy: Empirical evidence from East Africa


Joseph Mawejje, Nicholas M. Odhiambo

关键词:Fiscal policy; Tax revenue; Government expenditure; Cyclicality; East Africa


The impact of economic policy uncertainty on banks' non-interest income activities


Whelsy Boungou, Charles Mawusi

关键词:Economic policy uncertainty; Bank diversification; Negative interest rate environment


Does domestic investment respond to inflation targeting? A synthetic control investigation


Nadine McCloud

关键词:Domestic investment; Inflation targeting; Treatment effect; Synthetic control method; Rational inattention


Mapping the emergence and diffusion of climate-related financial policies: Evidence from a cluster analysis on G20 countries


Paola D'Orazio

关键词:Climate policy; Climate-related financial policy; Climate risks; Green finance; Policy adoption; Cluster analysis


Trade shocks and labour market resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does the franc zone response differently? 


Tii N. Nchofoung

关键词:Commodity terms of trade; Resilience; Franc zone; PVAR; PSTR


Mexico needs a fiscal twist: Response to Covid-19 and beyond   


Swarnali Ahmed Hannan, Keiko Honjo, Mehdi Raissi

关键词:Covid-19; Fiscal response; Tax; Social safety nets; General

equilibrium model


Invoicing Currency and Symmetric Pass-Through of Exchange Rates and Tariffs: Evidence from Malawian Imports from the EU


Angella Faith Montfaucon

关键词:Euro area; Invoicing currency; Tariff pass-through; Exchange rates; Vehicle pricing


Economic sentiments and international risk sharing


Daragh Clancy, Lorenzo Ricci

关键词:Confidence; Loss aversion; Risk sharing; Uncertainty


Foreign investors and target firms’ financial structure


Lorenzo Bencivelli, Beniamino Pisicoli

关键词:FDIs; Firms' financial structure; Non-bank financing; Investment


Does something change in the oil market with the COVID-19 crisis?


Dan Zhang, Arash Farnoosh, Frédéric Lantz

关键词:Oil market; Price discovery; Structural break


The impact of global value chain participation on income inequality


Nur Carpa, Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso

关键词:Global Value Chain; Offshoring; Inequality; Gini; Correlated random effects; Eora


A highway across the Atlantic? Trade and welfare effects of the EU-Mercosur agreement


Jacopo Timini, Francesca Viani

关键词:EU; Mercosur; Trade agreement; Structural gravity; General equilibrium


A proposal of a suspicion of tax fraud indicator based on Google trends to foresee Spanish tax revenues


Manuel Monge, Carlos Poza, Sofía Borgia


This article contributes to the relationship between fiscal fraud and tax collection in the Spanish economy, creating a composite suspicion tax fraud indicator (STFI) based on Google Trends searches to study the dynamics and foresee tax revenues evolution in Spain. Also, we expand knowledge in the field of fraud tax indicators, following the UNODC (2020) and OECD (2016) recommendations. To this purpose, we apply factor analysis to create the composite indicator and, next, we utilize techniques centered on fractional integration (ARFIMA) and fractional cointegration VAR (FCVAR) to assess the STFI behavior against tax collection and GDP. The outcomes indicate that the differencing parameter d is less than 1 in all the time series analyzed. The tax collection and the leading indicator have similar statistical behavior (d = 0.49 and d = 0.40, respectively), which implies mean reversion. On the other hand, GDP will behave similarly to the other two time series, with d = 0.05, which means that the shocks will have a temporary effect on the GDP behavior, and these effects will disappear by themselves in the short term and in less time than the other two time series. FCVAR results indicate a short-lived shock duration due to the error correction term and their short-run stationary behavior. In the end, applying wavelet analysis, we determine that the composite suspicion tax fraud indicator maintains a negative association with tax collection, except in 2017 and 2018, when the high economic growth offsets the fiscal fraud.

摘 要

本文基于谷歌趋势搜索,创建了一个综合怀疑税务欺诈指标(STFI),以研究西班牙的动态和预测税收收入的演变,有助于研究西班牙经济中财政欺诈和税收征收之间的关系。此外,根据联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(2020年)和经合组织(2016年)的建议,我们扩大了在欺诈税收指标领域的知识。为此,我们应用因子分析来创建复合指标,然后,我们利用以部分整合(ARFIMA)和部分协整VAR (FCVAR)为中心的技术来评估STFI对税收和GDP的行为。结果表明,在所有被分析的时间序列中,差分参数d都小于1。税收征收率与先行指标具有相似的统计行为(d = 0.49, d = 0.40),存在均值回归。另一方面,国内生产总值将行为类似于其他两个时间序列,用d = 0.05,这意味着冲击将会暂时影响GDP的行为,而这些影响在短期内会自行消失,用更少的时间比其他两个时间序列。fccvar结果表明,由于误差修正周期和它们的短期平稳行为,冲击持续时间较短。最后,应用小波分析,我们确定,除2017年和2018年经济高速增长抵消了财政欺诈外,综合怀疑税收欺诈指标与税收征管保持负相关。


The financial development impact of financial globalization revisited: A focus on OECD countries


Olufemi Adewale Aluko, Eric Evans Osei Opoku


In this empirical paper, we revisit the financial development impact of financial globalization using a panel dataset comprising the OECD countries for the period 1996–2017. We rely on a multidimensional financial development index and the KOF financial globalization index. We find that financial globalization has a positive impact on financial development. Considering the heterogeneity in the conditional distributions of financial development, we also discover that financial globalization favourably impacts financial development across all the conditional distributions (quantiles) albeit with varying magnitude. These findings are robust to the KOF de facto and de jure measures of financial globalization as well as an alternative measure of financial globalization–financial openness index.

摘 要



Measuring the economic efficiency performance in Latin American and Caribbean countries: An empirical evidence from stochastic production frontier and data envelopment analysis


Matheus Koengkan, José Alberto Fuinhas, Emad Kazemzadeh, Fariba Osmani, Nooshin Karimi Alavijeh, Anna Auza, Mônica Teixeira


The development of the global economy has raised concerns about economic efficiency and productivity. In this context, understanding the concepts of economic efficiency and productivity and the knowledge of the techniques available for their measurement are also of fundamental importance. Thus, the objective of the present study is to measure the economic efficiency performance of 14 countries from the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region in the period from 1990 to 2017. Analysing the economic performance of these countries with linear Cobb-Douglas production function, two methods were used: the parametric stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) and non-parametric data envelopment analysis (DEA). Both approaches (SFA and DEA) show that Panama is the most economically efficient country in the LAC region, followed by Chile. Concerning other countries, the choice between the SFA and DEA models affects the ratings. Results indicate that Brazil (SFA) and Nicaragua (DAE) are the least economically efficient LAC countries.

摘 要



The determinants and cyclicality of fiscal policy: Empirical evidence from East Africa


Joseph Mawejje, Nicholas M. Odhiambo


As part of the regional integration process, East African Community (EAC) member countries agreed upon macroeconomic convergence criteria that include, among others, harmonizing and restricting the level of fiscal deficits. However, achieving these targets has been faced with heightened vulnerabilities, including those related to the global financial crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and domestic policy slippages. Consequently, high fiscal deficits are fast leading to accumulation of debt. This paper investigates the macroeconomic determinants and cyclicality of fiscal policy in a panel of five EAC countries for the period 1980–2020. Using a combination of linear and nonlinear panel ARDL methods, long-run results show that the fiscal deficit is positively associated with current account balance, real per capita GDP, and interest rate; and negatively associated with the GDP deflator, grants, and debt service. Disaggregating fiscal balances into their revenue and expenditure components shows that government spending is procyclical, while tax effort is countercyclical. Specifically, both government expenditures and tax-to-GDP ratios are positively associated with real per capita GDP regardless of whether this relationship is observed during growth accelerations or decelerations. The size and statistical significance of short-run asymmetric effects of real per capita GDP on fiscal policy vary between countries.

摘 要



The impact of economic policy uncertainty on banks' non-interest income activities


Whelsy Boungou, Charles Mawusi


This paper investigates how banks adjust their business model amid rising global economic uncertainty. Specifically, we analyze the effect of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on banks' non-interest income activities, using a large panel dataset of 3913 banks operating in 9 countries over the period 2009–2018. We find no statistically significant effect of EPU on banks’ net non-interest income (NNII). Further analysis shows that the lack of impact on NNII is due to a reduction in gross non-interest income which was offset by a decrease in gross non-interest expenses. Our results also suggest that the likelihood of banks to diversify income amid high EPU is conditional on the negative interest rate environment.

摘 要



Does domestic investment respond to inflation targeting? A synthetic control investigation


 Nadine McCloud


Some countries have adopted an Inflation Targeting (IT) regime to reduce inflation and inflation uncertainty: two factors the literature suggests firms put positive weight on when making outlay decisions that may affect aggregate domestic investment. This observation naturally leads to the question of whether domestic investment responds to IT. We apply the synthetic control method to developed and developing IT and non-IT countries to estimate the IT regime's causal effect on the domestic investment over time while addressing country heterogeneity. Adopting an IT regime had no short or long-run effect, at conventional levels of significance, on domestic investment in 21 out of 29 treated countries; this dominant pattern appears consistent with recent works on rational inattentive behaviour of firms. However, IT induced mainly long-run heterogeneous changes in domestic investment prices in 9 targeters, suggesting that supply constraints external to firms can also weaken the link between IT and domestic investment.

摘 要



Mapping the emergence and diffusion of climate-related financial policies: Evidence from a cluster analysis on G20 countries


Paola D'Orazio


Although the awareness about the climate-related financial risks and the need to scale up green finance is widespread globally, engagement in “active” climate-related financial policymaking varies across countries. Despite the progress in understanding the types of policies available at the country level, our knowledge of which factors influence the decision to adopt climate-related financial policies remains limited. This paper proposes an empirical analysis of the climate-related financial policy experiences of G20 countries as they are responsible for roughly 80 percent of global energy use and CO2 emissions. The cluster analysis considering the period from 2000 to 2018 shows some interesting results. First, the economy's carbon intensity and exposure to climate change matter, but the policy response to these factors is heterogeneous across clusters. Second, climate strategies and fiscal instruments are relevant only for first-wave adopters in high-income countries. Third, political characteristics, particularly the presence of an autocratic regime, are relevant for the Chinese case, calling to mind the “authoritarian environmentalism”. Fourth, the bandwagon, or geographical learning effect, plays a relevant role in all clusters.

摘 要



Trade shocks and labour market resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does the franc zone response differently?


Tii N. Nchofoung


This paper aims to evaluate the impact of commodity terms of trade (CTOT) shocks on the labour market resilience of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries, comparing the franc zone countries on the one hand, from the non-franc zone countries on the other hand. The results from the PVAR estimation indicate a positive impact of commodity terms of trade shocks on labour market resilience in SSA countries. This finding holds in both the franc zone and the non-franc zone countries. When robustness is checked through the PSTR, this positive relationship is established to be non-linear. The policy implications of the study invite the policy makers to diversify their economies to limit their heavy reliance on commodities.

摘 要



Mexico needs a fiscal twist: Response to Covid-19 and beyond    


Swarnali Ahmed Hannan, Keiko Honjo, Mehdi Raissi


Mexico's fiscal response to the pandemic has been modest compared to its peers, reflecting the authorities' desire to not issue new debt for spending. This approach, however, resulted in a more severe recession in 2020 and a weaker economic recovery, notwithstanding spillovers from the United States. Balancing the need for stronger near-term fiscal support for the people and the recovery against medium-term discipline, this paper lays out an alternative strategy. We show that credibly announcing a pro-growth and inclusive medium-term fiscal reform upfront—including increased tax capacity, higher public investment and strengthened social safety nets—would open space for larger short-term support and close medium-term fiscal gaps. Model simulations suggest that this package would boost output, limit lasting economic damage from the pandemic, and put debt trajectory on a declining path in the medium term as tax reforms pay off and risk premia decline.

摘 要



Invoicing Currency and Symmetric Pass-Through of Exchange Rates and Tariffs: Evidence from Malawian Imports from the EU


Angella Faith Montfaucon


The response of import prices to exchange rates can be used to predict the effect of changes in trade policy, as the symmetric hypothesis asserts that the effect of tariffs and exchange rates on prices are identical. This paper examines whether the hypothesis holds in the context of various invoicing currencies, using transaction-level data of Malawian imports from the European Union (EU). The findings show that the U.S. dollar has the highest invoicing share, and the pass-through of exchange rate and tariff shocks on importers is high, but not necessarily equal, when the currency of invoicing is considered. Crucially, the tariff pass-through to prices is higher than the exchange rate pass-through, with important differences across countries, currencies and sectors. Thus, in order to predict the effects of trade policy, bilateral exchange rates may not be suitable for capturing exchange rate pass-through for small developing countries, especially import-dependent ones such as Malawi.

摘 要



Economic sentiments and international risk sharing


Daragh Clancy, Lorenzo Ricci


We examine an unexplored connection between economic sentiments and the degree of international risk sharing. As sentiments provide a sense of the expected direction of future income changes, if risk sharing is imperfect, countries experiencing weak sentiments should take actions to enable the smoothing of their consumption in the event this fall in income materialises. However, we find the opposite holds: weak sentiments are associated with reduced risk sharing. This finding is robust to the inclusion of alternative determinants of international risk sharing, the state of the business cycle as well as undiversifiable and persistent output fluctuations. We provide evidence that our results are consistent with loss aversion. Our findings have important implications for private initiatives and public institutions that aim to improve international risk sharing, which are usually designed on the basis of risk-averse or risk-neutral behaviour.

摘 要



Foreign investors and target firms’ financial structure


Lorenzo Bencivelli, Beniamino Pisicoli


We study how FDIs affect the financial structure of targeted firms, by looking at a sample of foreign acquisitions occurred in Italy between 1998 and 2016. We show that the entry of foreign investors promotes the diversification of financing sources. Moreover, foreign acquisitions lower investment sensitivity to the availability of bank credit and cash flow sensitivity of cash, allowing targeted firms to rely more on non-bank external financing channels. Importantly, these effects are stronger for investment in intangible assets. These findings suggest that the positive productivity effects of FDI emphasized in the literature are, at least in part, traceable to enhanced investment in capital that is harder to finance through the banking sector.

摘 要



Does something change in the oil market with the COVID-19 crisis?


Dan Zhang, Arash Farnoosh, Frédéric Lantz


This paper examines the price discovery of three international crude oil futures markets (WTI, Brent, INE) before and after the outbreak of the COVID-19 with the application of the information share and component share model. Our study shows that there is a structural break of the date of March 6, 2020, in each price series with Zivot and Andrew's unit root tests. Using Gregory and Hansen cointegration tests, cointegration relationships with the structural break in May 2020 are detected. According to results of Information Share (IS) and Component Share (CS) measures Brent futures price mainly plays a leading role in WTI and INE futures prices and occupies an absolutely dominant position all the time in the three crude oil futures markets systems. In the post-covid period, the price discovery efficiency of INE has been improved slightly but is still weak compared with other two markets. After the outbreak of COVID-19, the dominant position in price contribution in the relationship with INE has transferred from Brent to WTI. These findings offer practical implications for regulators and portfolio risk managers during the unprecedented uncertainty period provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic.

摘 要

本文应用信息共享和部件共享模型,考察了新冠肺炎疫情爆发前后三个国际原油期货市场(WTI、Brent、INE)的价格发现。我们的研究表明,在Zivot和Andrew的单位根检验中,每个价格序列中都存在2020年3月6日的结构性断裂。利用Gregory和Hansen协整检验,检测到与2020年5月结构断裂的协整关系。根据Information Share (IS)和Component Share (CS)测度的结果,布伦特期货价格在WTI和INE期货价格中主要起主导作用,在三大原油期货市场体系中一直占据绝对主导地位。新冠肺炎疫情后,INE的价格发现效率略有提高,但与其他两个市场相比仍较弱。新冠肺炎疫情爆发后,对INE价格贡献的主导地位从布伦特原油转移到了WTI原油。在COVID-19大流行引发的前所未有的不确定性时期,这些发现为监管机构和投资组合风险管理者提供了实际意义。                                  


The impact of global value chain participation on income inequality


Nur Carpa, Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso


There is a considerable amount of discussion over the effect of global value chain (GVC) participation on the increasing levels of income inequality in developed and developing countries. This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the interlink between income inequality and GVC participation. For this purpose, a panel data analysis is conducted with recent GVC data from the UNCTAD-Eora database. The results from panel data estimations for a sample of 39 countries over the period 1995–2016 suggest that offshoring has a significant inequality reducing effect for developing economies in the long run. Although the estimation results also indicate that some negative distributional effects of GVC related trade emerge in the short run, these seem to be mainly short run reactions of the economy, which might be offset in the long run through the adjustment of the labor market towards a new long run equilibrium.

摘 要

全球价值链(GVC)参与对发达国家和发展中国家收入不平等程度加剧的影响,已经有相当多的讨论。本文旨在有助于更好地理解收入不平等与全球价值链参与之间的相互联系。为此目的,利用贸发会议- eora数据库中最近的全球价值链数据进行了面板数据分析。1995年至2016年期间对39个国家样本的面板数据估计的结果表明,从长期来看,离岸外包对发展中经济体具有显著的减少不平等的效果。虽然估计结果也表明,一些负面分配效应GVC相关贸易出现在短期内,这些似乎是主要经济的短期反应,这可能会抵消长期通过调整劳动力市场走向一个新的长期均衡。


A highway across the Atlantic? Trade and welfare effects of the EU-Mercosur agreement


Jacopo Timini, Francesca Viani


In this paper we analyze the EU-Mercosur agreement and predict its effects on trade and welfare using a general equilibrium structural gravity model. First, we exploit the detailed provision-level information available for the EU-Mercosur agreement to identify partial equilibrium trade effects of existing treaties with similar set of provisions. In a second step, the estimated increase in trade is mapped into reductions in bilateral trade costs and imputed to EU-Mercosur country pairs to compute the general equilibrium effects of the agreement in terms of trade creation, trade diversion, and welfare effects. Our results indicate that the positive effects on trade and welfare stemming from the EU-Mercosur agreement are likely to be economically important, especially for Mercosur countries, and substantially heterogeneous both between and within the two blocs.

摘 要





#期刊目录国外权威期刊目录 American Economic Review · 《美国经济评论》(总第181期)

国内权威期刊目录 《金融研究》(总第176期)

国内权威期刊目录 《统计研究》(总第175期)

国内权威期刊目录 《世界经济》(总第174期)







中国科学院青藏高原研究所招聘客座研究生 / 遥感科研助理








