

学术无界 学术无界 2023-10-24


Journal of Public Economics 创刊于1972年,由荷兰的爱思唯尔集团(Elsevier)出版。该刊是反映公共经济学研究成果的专门刊物,涵盖政治科学、商业和经济学、经济系统和理论以及经济史等方面的内容。该刊鼓励来稿从事有关公共经济学方面的原创性科学研究,并对现代经济理论和定量分析方法的应用予以特别强调。它为讨论国际读者感兴趣的公共政策提供了一个论坛。
本期期卷:Volume 208-Issue 4发表日期:April 2022来源:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-public-economics/issues或点击文末“阅读原文”


目     录


Television and American consumerism


Woojin Kim

关键词:Television;Advertising;Conspicuous consumption;Consumerism


Diverting domestic turmoil



关键词:Diversionary foreign policy;Domestic turmoil;Football;Connectivity


Natural gas flaring, respiratory health, and distributional effects


Wesley Blundell, Anatolii Kokoza

关键词:Flaring;Air pollution;Shale development;Respiratory health;Distributional implications


Tradable immigration quotas revisited


Martin Hagen

关键词:Immigration;Asylum;Tradable quotas;Cap and trade;Matching;Externalities


Sources of inertia in the individual health insurance market


Coleman Drake, Conor Ryan, Bryan Dowd

关键词:Health insurance;Inertia;Attention;Switching costs;Health insurance marketplace


The medicaid windfall: Medicaid expansions and the target efficiency of hospital safety-net subsidies


Sayeh Nikpay

关键词:Health economics;Public economics;Target efficiency;Safety-net


Home bias in humanitarian aid: The role of regional favoritism in the allocation of international disaster relief


Christian Bommer, Axel Dreher, Marcello Perez-Alvarez

关键词:Humanitarian aid;Natural disasters;Regional favoritism;Birth regions


Financial (dis-)information: Evidence from a multi-country audit study


Xavier Giné, Rafael Keenan Mazer

关键词:Disclosure mandates;Compliance;Audit study


Changes in household diet: Determinants and predictability


Stefan Hut, Emily Oster

关键词:Dietary choice;Health;Applied microeconomics


Opportunity and inequality across generations


Winfried Koeniger, Carlo Zanella关键词:Asymmetrc information;Intergenerational mobility;Inequality;Human capital;Schooling;Bequests(11)

Reexamining the evidence on gun ownership and homicide using proxy measures of ownership

用所有权的代理测量法重新审查枪支所有权和杀人的证据Karim Chalak, Daniel Kim, Megan Miller, John Pepper关键词:Firearms;Homicide;Measurementerror;Multipleequations; Sensitivity analysis;Suicide


Incentive effects of the IRS’ passport certification and revocation process


Paul R. Organ, Alex Ruda, Joel Slemrod, Alex Turk

关键词: compliance;enforcement;Collateral sanctions


Stalin and the origins of mistrust


Milena Nikolova, Olga Popova, Vladimir Otrachshenko

关键词:Social trust;Institutional trust;Social capital;Gulag;Forced labor;Economic history;Former Soviet Union


Credit constraints and human capital policies


Braz Camargo, Guilherme Stein

关键词:Government spending;Credit constraints;Human capital policies


Minorities’strategic response todiscrimination: Experimentalevidence


Nikoloz Kudashvili, Philipp Lergetporer



Financial(dis-)information:Evidence from a multi-country audit study


Viacheslav Sheremirov, Sandra Spirovska

关键词:Fiscal policy;Military spending;Multiplier


VAT compliance, trade, and institutions


Peter Morrow, Michael Smart, Artur Swistak


Value-addedtax;Tax compliance;


Are deficits free?


Johannes Brumm, Xiangyu Feng, Laurence Kotlikoff, Felix Kubler

关键词:Deficits;Dynamic inefficiency;Intergenerational risk sharing;Pay-go social security;Ponzi schemes;Public debt;Social security


Cash on the table? Imperfect take-up of tax incentives and firm investment behavior


Wei Cui, Jeffrey Hicks, Jing Xing

关键词:Tax incentives;Investment;Take-up;Tax administration


The effect of emergency financial assistance on healthcare use


Henry Downes, David C. Phillips, James X. Sullivan

关键词:Homelessness prevention;Healthcare use;Social insurance


Television and American consumerism


Woojin Kim


How did the introduction of mass commercial television in the postwar era change American consumer behavior? Media scholars and U.S. historians claim that TV with its unprecedented advertising appeal drew Americans into a culture of upscaling and purchasing products for social status. I test this prevailing theory using newly digitized nationwide county-level retail sales data from the Census of Business series. I compare growth in retail sales between areas with and without local TV service over the unanticipated Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Freeze, which halted the licensing of new TV stations from 1948–52. I find three results that corroborate TV’s long-attributed role in American consumerism. First, during the Freeze, total retail sales in counties with TV access increased by 3–4% more on average than in counties without access. Second, the effect of TV was concentrated in the automobile sector, which alone accounted for a third of the total difference. Third, TV advertising led to higher growth in sales, but only for durable goods, which neatly aligns with both qualitative reports and theories of conspicuous consumption. Historians also propose that the suburban family life popularized in TV sitcoms became the mainstream representation of the American Dream in the 1950s. Consistent with these accounts, I find that the start of TV access coincides with greater activity in local highway construction and birthrates.

摘 要

战后大众商业电视的引入是如何改变美国消费者的行为的?媒体学者和美国历史学家认为,电视以其前所未有的广告吸引力吸引美国人进入一种为了社会地位而购买产品的文化。我测试这一流行的理论使用新的数字化的全国县级零售业销售数据从商业普查系列。我比较了有和没有当地电视服务的地区与意外的联邦通信委员会之间的零售额增长(FCC)冻结( Freeze ),从 1948 - 52 年起停止了新电视台的许可。我发现三个结果证实了电视长期以来在美国消费主义中扮演的角色。首先,在冻结期间,有电视接入的县的总零售额平均比没有接入电视的县高出 3 - 4 %。第二,电视的影响集中在汽车领域,仅这一个领域就占了总差异的三分之一。第三,电视广告带来了更高的销售增长,但仅限于耐用品,这与定性报告和炫耀性消费理论完全一致。历史学家还提出,电视情景喜剧中普及的郊区家庭生活成为了 20 世纪 50 年代美国梦的主流表现形式。与这些描述相一致,我发现电视接入的开始与当地高速公路建设和出生率的更大活动相一致。


Diverting domestic turmoil




   When faced with intense domestic turmoil, governments may strategically engage in foreign interactions to divert the public’s attention away from pressing domestic issues. I test this hypothesis for a globally representative sample of 190 countries, at the monthly level, over the years 1997–2014. Using high–frequency data on media–reported events, I find robust evidence that governments resort to diversionary strategies in times of domestic turmoil and that such diversion takes the form of verbally aggressive foreign interactions. Diversionary interactions are typically targeted at countries closely linked along cultural and geographic dimensions, and at countries with low levels of state capability. Interestingly, I do not find evidence of these strategies being effective in deterring domestic turmoil. Taken together, these findings provide new insights on governments’ systematic use of verbally aggressive foreign interactions as a short-term, low-cost, low-risk, strategic tool, to divert domestic turmoil.

摘 要

当面临激烈的国内动荡时,政府可能战略性地参与对外互动,以转移公众对紧迫国内问题的注意力。在 1997 - 2014 年期间,我对 190 个国家的全球代表性样本进行了月度检验。使用媒体报道事件的高频数据,我发现了有力的证据,表明政府在国内动荡时期采取转移注意力的策略,而这种转移的形式是口头侵略性的对外互动。转移注意力的互动通常针对在文化和地理方面紧密相连的国家,以及国家能力水平较低的国家。有趣的是,我并没有发现这些策略能够有效遏制国内动荡的证据。综上所述,这些发现为政府系统性地利用口头侵略性对外互动作为短期、低成本、低风险的战略工具转移国内动荡提供了新的见解。


Natural gas flaring, respiratory health, and distributional effects


Wesley Blundell, Anatolii Kokoza


Although there is strong evidence that oil and natural gas development lead to decreases in local ambient air quality, there is less evidence of a causal link between these activities and human health. This paper explores the environmental health costs of burning natural gas by-products during crude oil extraction – flaring. We estimate the impact of flared natural gas on respiratory health by using quasi-random variation in upwind flaring generated by the interaction of wind patterns and natural gas processing capacity. Specifically, we construct a novel dataset to estimate the causal effect of increased upwind flaring on the monthly respiratory-related hospital visitation rate by using the number of upwind wells that are connected to a capacity-constrained natural gas processing facility as an instrument for monthly upwind flaring. We find that a 1% increase in the amount of flared natural gas in North Dakota would increase the respiratory-related hospital visitation rate by 0.73%. Furthermore, zip codes that were exposed to more than half of all flared natural gas extracted less than 20% of all resource wealth during the sample time period, and the zip codes exposed to a disproportionate amount of flaring tend to be economically-disadvantaged and communities of color. Our estimates indicate that the health costs constitute a material portion of the external cost of flaring, and therefore ought to be considered in global initiatives to reduce flaring.


虽然有强有力的证据表明,石油和天然气开发导致当地环境空气质量下降,但这些活动与人类健康之间存在因果关系的证据较少。本文探讨了在原油开采过程中燃烧天然气副产品的环境健康成本 - 燃烧。我们通过使用风模式和天然气处理能力相互作用产生的逆风燃烧的准随机变化来估计燃烧天然气对呼吸系统健康的影响。具体而言,我们构建了一个新颖的数据集,通过使用连接到容量受限的天然气处理设施的逆风井数量作为每月逆风燃烧的工具,来估计上风燃烧增加对每月呼吸相关医院就诊率的因果效应。我们发现,北达科他州燃烧天然气量增加1%将使呼吸相关医院就诊率增加0.73%。此外,在采样时间段内,暴露于所有燃烧天然气的一半以上的邮政编码提取了不到所有资源财富的20%,并且暴露于不成比例的燃烧量的邮政编码往往在经济上处于不利地位和有色人种社区。我们的估计表明,卫生费用是火炬外部费用的一个重要部分,因此在减少火炬的全球倡议中应加以考虑。


Tradable immigration quotas revisited


Tatsuki Ueda


This paper revisits the theory behind tradable immigration quotas, which have been proposed to raise South-North migration and, specifically, refugee resettlement. We qualify previous research by showing that tradable immigration quotas are generally not utilitarian efficient for host countries. The reason is that global migration entails more complex externalities than other public-good problems, such as environmental protection, where market-based instruments are common. The inefficiency is exacerbated when migrants are matched to countries. Despite these caveats, we offer new results in favor of tradable immigration quotas plus matching.

摘 要



Sources of inertia in the individual health insurance market


Coleman Drake, Conor Ryan, Bryan Dowd


Consumers in private health insurance markets are highly inertial. The literature has repeatedly found consumers are willing to pay thousands of dollars to keep their health plan. However, the causes of inertia are not well understood, despite their importance in determining whether welfare can be improved by reducing inertia and which types of policies would be effective in doing so. Using administrative data from California’s Health Insurance Marketplace, we separately identify three sources of inertia—tastes for provider continuity, inattention, and hassle costs—using two-stage models of inattention and health plan choice. We find that eliminating inattention and hassle costs would reduce repeated health plan choice by 53 percentage points and that interventions to reduce inattention and hassle costs are complements. Inattention and hassle costs cost consumers over a billion dollars in foregone consumer surplus in 2018, roughly $1,790 per household per year or half the annual premium paid by the median household, with inattention accounting for the largest source of forgone surplus. We conclude that interventions to reduce inertial plan choice should jointly focus on hassle costs and particularly inattention, but not tastes for provider continuity.

摘 要

 私人医疗保险市场的消费者是高度惯性的。文献反复发现消费者愿意支付数千美元来保持他们的健康计划。然而,惯性的原因没有得到很好的理解,尽管它们在确定是否可以通过减少惯性来改善福利以及哪些类型的政策能够有效地这样做方面很重要。使用来自加州健康保险市场的行政数据,我们分别确定了三个惯性来源——对供应商连续性的偏好、注意力不集中和麻烦成本——使用注意力分散和健康计划选择的两阶段模型。我们发现,消除注意力不集中和麻烦成本将减少重复的健康计划选择 53 个百分点,干预,以减少注意力和麻烦的成本是补充。在 2018 年,疏忽和麻烦成本使消费者损失了超过 10 亿美元的消费者剩余,每户每年约为 1790 美元,相当于中等家庭每年支付保费的一半,疏忽是损失剩余的最大来源。我们的结论是,干预,以减少惯性计划的选择应该共同关注的麻烦成本,特别是不注意,但不是口味的供应商连续性。


The medicaid windfall: Medicaid expansions and the target efficiency of hospital safety-net subsidies


 Erlend Dancke Sandorf, Kristine Grimsrud, Henrik Lindhjem


Federal hospital safety-net subsidy programs seek to defray costs of uncompensated hospital care, but eligibility criteria are based on Medicaid volume. Therefore, subsidies have poor “target efficiency”: hospitals that provide large amounts of uncompensated care may not receive subsidies (exclusion error), while hospitals that provide little uncompensated care may receive subsidies (inclusion error). Medicaid expansions may exacerbate poor targeting by increasing Medicaid patient volume while reducing uncompensated care. Using hospital administrative data from 2003 to 2019, I quantify the target efficiency of Medicare and Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital payments and the 340B drug discount program and quantify how changes in Medicaid eligibility affect safety-net subsidy receipt and target efficiency. I find that the ACA Medicaid expansion increased participation in Medicare DSH and 340B, especially among non-safety-net hospitals (inclusion errors) resulting in a shift of approximately $5B from safety-net to non-safety-net hospitals. I find the opposite for a Medicaid contraction in Tennessee in 2005. My results demonstrate an unintended consequence of Medicaid-based eligibility criteria: changes in Medicaid coverage affect the allocation of public subsidies for safety-net patients.

摘 要

 联邦医院安全网补贴计划旨在支付无补偿的医院护理费用,但资格标准是基于医疗补助的数量。因此,补贴有很差的“目标效率”:提供大量无补偿医疗的医院可能得不到补贴(排除错误),而很少提供无补偿治疗的医院则可能获得补贴(包含错误)。医疗补助扩张可能会通过增加医疗补助病人数量而减少无偿护理而加剧不良的目标。使用 2003 年至 2019 年的医院管理数据,我量化了医疗保险和医疗补助不成比例的份额医院支付和 340B 药品折扣计划的目标效率,并量化医疗补助资格的变化如何影响安全网补贴收入和目标效率。我发现阿科萨医疗补助计划的扩张增加了对医疗保险的参与DSH和 340B ,特别是在非安全网医院(包含错误)中,导致大约 50 亿美元从安全网转移到非安全网络医院。我发现 2005 年田纳西州的医疗补助计划收缩的情况正好相反。我的研究结果显示了基于医疗补助的资格标准的一个意想不到的后果:医疗补助覆盖范围的变化影响了安全网患者公共补贴的分配。


Home bias in humanitarian aid: The role of regional favoritism in the allocation of international disaster relief



Christian Bommer, Axel Dreher, Marcello Perez-Alvarez


This paper investigates whether regional favoritism shapes humanitarian aid flows. Using a rich and unique dataset derived from reports of the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), we show that substantially larger amounts of aid are disbursed when exogenous natural disasters hit the birth region of the recipient countries’ political leader. While we find no evidence that US commercial or political interests affect the size of this home bias, the bias is stronger in countries with a weaker bureaucracy and governance, suggesting the absence of effective safeguards in the allocation of aid.

摘 要

本文探讨是否区域偏袒塑造人道主义援助流动。我们使用来自美国对外灾难援助办公室( OFD A )报告的丰富而独特的数据集表明,当外部自然灾害袭击受援国政治领导人的出生地时,支付的援助金额大大增加。虽然我们没有发现证据表明美国的商业或政治利益会影响这种本土偏向的规模,但这种偏向在官僚主义和治理较弱的国家更为强烈,表明援助分配缺乏有效的保障措施。


Financial (dis-)information: Evidence from a multi-country audit study


Xavier Giné, Rafael Keenan Mazer


We conduct an audit study in Ghana, Mexico and Peru to assess whether mandated disclosures are enforced and whether products offered meet the needs of low-income customers. Trained auditors visited financial institutions seeking credit and savings products. We find that staff only provides cost information when asked, disclosing less than a third of the total cost voluntarily. With this limited information, the advantages to comparison shopping are small. In addition, clients are rarely offered the least costly product.

摘 要



Changes in household diet: Determinants and predictability


 Stefan Hut, Emily Oster


We use grocery purchase data to analyze dietary changes. We show that dietary change is unusual, even in response to significant disease diagnosis or changes in household circumstances. We then identify a small subset of households which show significant dietary changes (either improvements or worsened diet). We use machine learning to predict these households and find dietary concentration is a significant predictor of change. Households tend to change a small subset of food items at a time, suggesting dietary recommendations might be better focused on making smaller, simpler changes rather than broader diet alterations.

摘 要



Opportunity and inequality across generations


Winfried Koeniger, Carlo Zanella


We analyze how intergenerational mobility and inequality would change relative to the status quo if dynasties had access to optimal insurance against low ability of future generations. Based on a dynamic, dynastic Mirrleesian model, we find that insurance against intergenerational ability risk increases in the social optimum relative to the status quo. This implies less intergenerational mobility in terms of welfare but no quantitatively significant change in earnings mobility. Earnings mobility is thus similar across economies with different incentives and welfare, illustrating that changes in earnings mobility cannot be interpreted readily in welfare terms without further analysis.

摘 要

 我们分析了代际流动性和不平等将如何改变相对于现状,如果王朝有机会为后代低能力的最佳保险。基于动态的、动态的 Mirrleesian 模型,我们发现针对代际能力风险的保险在相对于现状的社会最优时增加。这意味着在福利方面代际流动性减少,但在收入流动性方面没有显著的数量变化。因此,收入流动性在不同的激励和福利的经济体中是相似的,说明如果没有进一步的分析,收入的流动性的变化不能很容易地用福利来解释。


Reexamining the evidence on gun ownership and homicide using proxy measures of ownership


Karim Chalak, Daniel Kim, Megan Miller, John Pepper


Limited by the lack of data on gun ownership in the United States, ecological research linking firearms ownership rates to homicide often relies on proxy measures of ownership. Although the variable of interest is the gun ownership rate, not the proxy, the existing research does not formally account for the fact that the proxy is an error-ridden measure of the ownership rate. In this paper, we reexamine the ecological association between state-level gun ownership rates and homicide explicitly accounting for the measurement error in the proxy measure of ownership. To do this, we apply the results in Chalak and Kim (2020) to provide informative bounds on the mean association between rates of homicide and firearms ownership. In this setting, the estimated lower bound on the magnitude of the association corresponds to the conventional linear regression model estimate whereas the upper bound depends on prior information about the measurement error process. Our preferred model yields an upper bound on the gun homicide elasticity that is nearly three times larger than the fixed effects regression estimates that do not account for measurement error. Moreover, we consider three point-identified models that rely on earlier validation studies and on instrumental variables respectively, and find that the gun homicide elasticity nearly equals this upper bound. Thus, our results suggest that the association between gun homicide and ownership rates is substantially larger than found in the earlier literature.

摘 要

由于美国缺乏枪支所有权的数据,将枪支拥有率与凶杀联系起来的生态学研究往往依赖于替代的所有权措施。虽然利益的变量是枪支拥有率,而不是代理人,现有的研究并没有正式解释的事实,代理人是一个错误百出的措施的拥有率。在本文中,我们重新审视国家级枪支拥有率和凶杀之间的生态关联明确占所有权的代理措施的测量误差。为了做到这一点,我们应用在 Chalak 和 Kim ( 2020 )中的结果提供了关于凶杀率和枪支拥有率之间的平均关联的信息边界。在这种设置中,估计的下界上的关联的幅度对应于传统的线性回归模型估计,而上界取决于先验信息的测量误差过程。我们的首选模型产生的枪支杀人弹性的上限是近三倍大的固定效应回归估计,不占测量误差。此外,我们考虑三个点确定的模型,依赖于早期的验证研究和工具变量分别,发现枪支杀人弹性几乎等于这个上限。因此,我们的研究结果表明,枪支杀人和拥有率之间的关联大大大于在早期文献中发现的。


Incentive effects of the IRS’ passport certification and revocation process


 Paul R. Organ, Alex Ruda, Joel Slemrod, Alex Turk


Traditional penalties for tax noncompliance are financial, but many jurisdictions now also use non-monetary tools, including collateral sanctions that deny access to some government-provided service. To learn about the effectiveness of one such penalty, we examine a recent U.S. policy restricting passport access for taxpayers with substantial tax debt, known as “certification.” We take advantage of a field experiment during the policy rollout, and find small but positive effects on taxpayer compliance of the certification notice sent to eligible taxpayers. We then study a subset of certified taxpayers who were denied a passport-related request, and find an immediate and strong positive effect of the denial on compliance.

摘 要



Stalin and the origins of mistrust


 Milena Nikolova, Olga Popova, Vladimir Otrachshenko


We examine current differences in trust levels within the countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU) and trace their origins back to the system of forced labor during Stalin, which was marked by high incarceration rates and harsh punishments. We explore whether those exposed to knowledge about the repressions became less trusting and transferred this social norm to future generations and communities. We argue that political repressions were more salient and visible to local communities living near forced labor camps (gulags), which symbolized the harshness of Stalin’s regime. Combining contemporary survey data with the geolocation of forced labor camps, we find that living near former gulags lowers present-day social trust and civic engagement. These effects are independent of living near places where Stalin’s victims were arrested. Moreover, they are above and beyond any experiences with war or civil conflict that the extant literature documents, indicating that the gulag system's repressiveness is a crucial trigger of the mistrust culture within the FSU countries today. As such, we furnish novel evidence on how past political repression matters for current socioeconomic

摘 要

我们研究了当前前苏联( FSU )国家内部信任水平的差异,并将其起源追溯到斯大林时期的强迫劳动制度,其特点是高监禁率和严厉惩罚。我们探讨是否那些暴露于知识的镇压变得不那么信任和转移这一社会规范的后代和社区。我们认为,政治镇压更突出和可见的地方社区生活在强迫劳动营(古拉格),这象征着斯大林政权的严酷。将当代的调查数据与强迫劳动营的地理位置相结合,我们发现,生活在旧古拉格附近会降低当今的社会信任和公民参与。这些影响是独立的生活附近的地方,斯大林的受害者被捕。此外,它们超越了现存文献记载的任何战争或国内冲突的经验,表明古拉格制度的压制性是当今 FSU 国家内部不信任文化的关键触发因素。因此,我们提供了新的证据,过去的政治镇压如何影响当前的社会经济。


Credit constraints and human capital policies


Braz Camargo, Guilherme Stein


We develop a model of voting to show how credit constraints affect a society’s demand for government spending on human capital policies, namely, policies that increase the returns to human capital investments. The main result of the model is that a reduction in credit constraints can increase the share of government spending on such policies, with a greater increase in poorer societies. We also provide suggestive cross-country evidence in support of our model by showing that the share of government spending on public education and health is negatively related to measures of credit constraints, with a stronger negative relation in poorer societies.

摘 要



Minorities’ strategic response to discrimination: Experimental evidence


 Nikoloz Kudashvili, Philipp Lergetporer


Discrimination against minorities is pervasive in many societies, but little is known about strategies that minorities apply to minimize discrimination. In our trust game with 758 high-school students in the country of Georgia, ethnic Georgian trustors discriminate against the ethnic Armenian minority group. We introduce an initial signaling stage to investigate Armenians’ willingness to hide their ethnicity to avoid expected discrimination. 43 percent of Armenian trustees untruthfully signal that they have a Georgian name. Signaling behavior is driven by expected transfers and identity-based motives. This strategic misrepresentation of ethnicity increases Georgian trustors’ expected back transfers and eliminates their discriminatory behavior.

摘 要

对少数群体的歧视在许多社会中普遍存在,但少数群体为尽量减少歧视而采用的战略却鲜为人知。在我们与格鲁吉亚 758 名高中生的信任游戏中,格鲁吉亚族委托人歧视亚美尼亚族少数民族。我们引入一个初步的信号阶段,调查亚美尼亚人是否愿意隐藏自己的种族,以避免预期的歧视。43 %的亚美尼亚受托人谎称他们有一个格鲁吉亚名字。信令行为是由预期转移和基于身份的动机驱动的。这种对种族的战略性歪曲增加了格鲁吉亚委托人预期的反向转移,消除了他们的歧视行为。


Financial (dis-)information: Evidence from a multi-country audit study


Viacheslav Sheremirov, Sandra Spirovska


This paper provides new evidence on the effects of government spending on output from a large panel of advanced and developing countries. We identify government spending shocks using variation in international military spending. We estimate a one-year fiscal multiplier, pooled across all countries in the sample, in the vicinity of 0.8. The pooled cumulative multiplier reaches its peak at 0.86 two years after the shock. We find substantial heterogeneity across economic environments as well as across countries: The multipliers are relatively large (above one) in advanced economies, in recessions, for negative shocks, under a fixed exchange rate, and in closed economies. We also analyze scenarios in which the identifying restrictions may not hold, highlighting the possible limitations of the military-spending approach and providing a wider range of possible effects.

摘 要

本文提供了新的证据,政府支出对产出的影响,从一个大面板的发达国家和发展中国家。我们使用国际军事支出的变化来确定政府支出冲击。我们估计一年的财政乘数,汇集在样本中的所有国家,在0.8附近。在冲击发生两年后,汇集的累积乘数达到峰值0.86。我们发现,在不同经济环境和国家之间存在很大的异质性:在发达经济体、衰退期、负面冲击、固定汇率下和封闭经济体中,乘数相对较大(大于 1 )。我们还分析了识别限制可能不成立的情况下,强调军事支出方法的可能局限性,并提供了更广泛的可能影响。


VAT compliance, trade, and institutions


Peter Morrow, Michael Smart, Artur Swistak


We develop a simple model of value added tax (VAT) compliance, and estimate it using widely available national accounts data to learn about compliance in countries where little is currently known. International border controls improve VAT compliance, generating a correlation between imports and aggregate VAT revenues that is informative about domestic non-compliance. We estimate nearly 30 percent of domestic value added escapes taxation through non-compliance for the average country in our sample, with much higher levels of non-compliance in countries with low perceived institutional quality. We analyze how our estimates are related to institutional differences among countries, and discuss the implications for tax policy.

摘 要

我们开发了一个简单的增值税( VAT )合规模型,并使用广泛可用的国民账户数据估计它,以了解目前尚不为人知的国家的合规状况。国际边境管制提高了增值税合规性,在进口和增值税总收入之间产生了相关性,这有助于了解国内不遵守情况。我们估计,在样本中的平均国家中,近 30 %的国内附加值通过不遵守逃避税收,在感知的制度质量低的国家,不遵守的程度更高。我们分析了我们的估计是如何与国家之间的制度差异,并讨论了税收政策的影响。


Are deficits free?


Johannes Brumm, Xiangyu Feng, Laurence Kotlikoff, Felix Kubler


Deficit finance, a.k.a. pay-go policy, is free when growth rates routinely exceed safe government borrowing rates. Or so many say. This note presents four counterexamples based on four versions of a simple OLG economy. In each version the growth rate exceeds the safe rate for one of four reasons – uninsured idiosyncratic risk, uninsured aggregate risk, policy uncertainty, and imperfect financial intermediation. Deficit finance does not directly address any of these problems. What works, respectively speaking, is progressive taxation, bilateral intergenerational risk-sharing, early policy resolution, and improved intermediation. The four examples thus show that seemingly free deficits may be more costly than they appear. Indeed, inefficient pay-go policy can even lower the government’s borrowing rate, encouraging yet more deficit finance.

摘 要

当经济增长率经常超过安全的政府借贷利率时,赤字财政,也就是有偿的政策是免费的。或者这么多人说。本文基于一个简单的 OLG 经济的四个版本提出了四个反例。在每个版本中,增长率超过安全率的原因有四个——未保险的特质风险、未保险总风险、政策不确定性和金融中介不完善。赤字财政并不能直接解决这些问题。分别而言,起作用的是累进税制、双边代际风险分担、早期政策解决和改善中介。因此,上述四个例子表明,看似免费的赤字可能比表面看起来更昂贵。事实上,低效率的支付政策甚至会降低政府的借贷利率,鼓励更多的赤字融资。


Cash on the table? Imperfect take-up of tax incentives and firm investment behavior


Wei Cui, Jeffrey Hicks, Jing Xing


We investigate whether investment incentives work in less developed countries by exploiting the introduction of accelerated depreciation (AD) for fixed asset investment in China as a natural experiment. In contrast to the large positive impact of similar tax incentives in the U.S. and U.K. found in recent studies, we document that AD was ineffective in stimulating Chinese firms’ investment. Further, using confidential corporate tax returns from a large province, we find that firms fail to claim the AD benefit on over 80% of eligible investments. Firms’ take-up is significantly influenced by their taxable positions and tax sophistication. Moreover, resources of local tax authorities help improve awareness of the policy. Our study contributes to the understanding of conditions under which tax incentives for investment can be effective.

摘 要

我们通过在中国引入固定资产投资加速折旧( AD )作为一个自然实验,考察投资激励在欠发达国家是否有效。与最近的研究发现的美国和英国类似的税收激励措施的巨大积极影响相反,我们证明了反倾销在刺激中国企业投资方面是无效的。此外,使用来自一个大省的保密企业纳税申报表,我们发现超过 80 %的符合条件的投资企业没有申报 AD 收益。企业的接受程度受其应税地位和税收复杂性的显著影响。此外,地方税务部门的资源有助于提高对该政策的认识。我们的研究有助于理解投资税收激励的有效条件。


The effect of emergency financial assistance on healthcare use


Henry Downes, David C. Phillips, James X. Sullivan


Does providing financial assistance to people who have just experienced an income shock affect their healthcare use? To address this question, we examine healthcare outcomes in a setting where people at risk of homelessness due to an income shock were offered or denied referral to financial assistance quasi-randomly. Among callers who have been screened as eligible for assistance at Chicago’s Homelessness Prevention Call Center (HPCC), some are denied assistance because the availability of funding varies. Conditional on some observable characteristics, funding availability is as-good-as-randomly assigned to callers. We link callers to healthcare utilization records and observe their inpatient hospital stays and emergency department visits. We find that referral to financial assistance has little effect on overall healthcare use–we can reject increases in total utilization greater than 7% of the base rate and decreases of more than 4%. This null effect can be explained, in part, by the fact that the income shock does not significantly change overall healthcare use among those not receiving assistance, suggesting that these individuals can insure health and healthcare demand against these shocks in other ways.

摘 要

为刚刚经历了收入冲击的人提供经济援助会影响他们的医疗保健使用吗?为了解决这个问题,我们研究了医疗保健的结果,在一个环境中,人们在无家可归的风险,由于收入冲击提供或拒绝转诊的财政援助准随机。在芝加哥无家可归预防呼叫中心被筛选为有资格获得援助的呼叫者中(HPCC),有些人由于资金的可得性而得不到援助。有条件的一些可观察的特征,资金可用性是良好的随机分配给呼叫者。我们将呼叫者连接到医疗保健利用记录,并观察他们的住院和急诊科访问。我们发现,转介到财政援助的整体医疗保健使用的影响不大,我们可以拒绝增加总利用率超过 7 %的基本率和下降超过 4 %。这种零效应可以解释,部分,收入冲击没有显着改变那些没有接受援助的人的整体医疗保健使用的事实,这表明这些人可以确保健康和医疗需求,以其他方式对这些冲击。




国外权威期刊目录IE·国际经济(总第182期)国外权威期刊目录 American Economic Review · 《美国经济评论》(总第181期)

国内权威期刊目录 《金融研究》(总第176期)

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