
《AE》| Wang et al:COVID-19 对中国农村人口的健康、经济和社会影响

摘要本研究考察了地方和全国 COVID-19 防疫措施对中国农村人口健康和经济的影响。 2020 2 月,我们对中国七个农村省份的 726 名随机选择的村庄知情人进行了电话调查。四个村庄 (0.55%) 报告了感染,没有一个报告死亡。防疫措施已在所有样本村普遍实施。约 74% 的受访者表示,由于工作场所关闭,在村外从事挣钱工作的村民已经停止工作。由于交通、住房和其他限制,较高比例的农村人口无法工作。地方政府已采取措施减少 COVID-19 的影响。尽管所有被调查村庄的学校都关闭了,但 71% 的村庄知情人报告说,学生在网上上课。总体而言,控制 COVID-19 的措施似乎成功地限制了主要流行区以外农村社区的新冠疾病传播。然而,中国农村居民因防疫措施而遭受了重大的经济后果。


Abstract: This study examines the effects of local and nationwide COVID-19 disease control measures on the health and economy of China's rural population. We conducted phone surveys with 726 randomly selected village informants across seven rural Chinese provinces in February 2020. Four villages (0.55%) reported infections, and none reported deaths. Disease control measures had been universally implemented in all sample villages. About 74% of informants reported that villagers with wage-earning jobs outside the village had stopped working due to workplace closures. A higher percentage of rural individuals could not work due to transportation, housing, and other constraints. Local governments had taken measures to reduce the impact of COVID-19. Although schools in all surveyed villages were closed, 71% of village informants reported that students were attending classes online. Overall, measures to control COVID-19 appear to have been successful in limiting disease transmission in rural communities outside the main epidemic area. Rural Chinese citizens, however, have experienced significant economic consequences from the disease control measures.

Key words:  COVID-19, disease control measures, economic implications, rural China

《AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS》(AE),最新影响因子为2.263,看刊载方向为农业经济与政策,主题涵盖从消费和营养到土地使用和环境,从农户到市场和宏观经济的各个分析规模。杂志旨在世界各地传播学科最重要的研究结果和政策分析。


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